Tuesday, 5 November 2019

Peace In The Imperfect

Logo logo a gogo. Brand consultancy. ABC demographic diagnostic analysis. Soft launch, stress test. Nope. Fred. Trained to within an inch of his pencil case in architectural design. Several good pens. A set square. A piece of paper. A conversation. A collaboration. THIS was born. Time, dedication, discipline. Brilliance.

Summer of 2019. This logo, designed by hand, arts and crafts style by Fred, was created in a hotel called The Angel. Lots of headings, lots of themes. Lots to write about. Lots to sort out.

Here's the thing. There is a lot of dross out there. A lot of phoney. We are both parents of teenagers / late teens / university age children. What sort of world are we sending them out into ?

With a large dose of luck a lovely, benevolent, happy one. Edmund Burke 'the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing' runs through our minds and much of our conversation.

There are plenty of things right, equally a few things wrong. Much much to celebrate. For example good mushrooms being grown at London's Victoria and Albert Museum - have a look here.

We have sport mentioned in the bio. A quick note here. I watched England vs New Zealand. I watched the final. I thought they were all astonishing. Japan for me the outright Victor. Thank you Japan for hosting us and for doing such an impeccable job.

I am going to close my opener with food. Sitting in a pizzeria. Recipes come to mind. We are soon to visit my former Italian professor, now Professor Emeritus at Balliol, Oxford. He is from Bologna, here is Nigella.

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